杉原千畝 | |
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出生 | ![]() | 1900年1月1日
逝世 | 1986年7月31日![]() | (86歲)
墓地 | 鎌倉靈園 |
国籍 | ![]() |
教育程度 | 早稻田大學高等師範部 |
职业 | 外交官 |
配偶 | 菊池幸子 |
奖项 | 國際義人 (1985) |
日語寫法 | |
日語原文 | |
假名 | |
平文式罗马字 |
國際義人 |
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犹太教相关教义 |
著名的国际义人 |
相关人物 |
系列条目 |
纳粹大屠杀 |
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暴行 少數族群迫害
集中营 滅絕營
轉移營 比利時:布倫東克堡壘 · 梅赫倫轉移營 法國:居爾集中營 · 德朗西集中營 意大利:波爾查諾轉移營 荷蘭:阿默斯福特集中營 · 韋斯特博克轉移營 挪威:法斯塔德集中营 部门
手法 |

日本人對於中國人的行為是相當殘酷且不人道的,完全沒有將中國人視同為人類,對此暴行我忍無可忍。[1] |
第二次世界大戰期間,杉原千畝的夫人杉原幸子受到突然竄進她腦海的《耶利米哀歌》啟發,鼓勵丈夫發簽證以拯救猶太難民的性命,因此杉原不顧外務省的訓令,擅發日本過境簽證予猶太人。他總共發出了近2,150張簽證,由於簽證可以讓家庭成員使用,他可能拯救了逾6,000名猶太人(當時立陶宛全國1/3猶太人)。當杉原千畝的助手、且本身也是因杉原的簽證而得救的摩西·祖匹克(Moshe Zupnik)問他為何願意賭上他的工作去拯救他人的性命時,杉原千畝輕描淡寫地說道:“我這麼做只是因為我憐憫他們。他們想要離開,我就給他們需要的簽證。”
東京的人民沒有團結在一起,而我覺得為此和他們打交道顯得十分愚蠢,因此我決定不要等候國內的回應。我確信將來會有人抱怨我的行為,但我認為這是正確且應該做的事,救人命不會是件錯事……在人性、仁慈博愛、善鄰友好的精神下,我冒險做了這件事,面對這些最艱難的狀況—但也正因為如此,我帶著雙倍的勇氣往前。 |
- Watanabe, Katsumasa. . 東京: Taisyo出版社. 2000. ISBN 4811703073. OCLC 30712518 (日语).
- 紀念杉原千畝
- Yukiko Sugihara, Visas for Life, translated by Hiroki Sugihara, San Francisco, Edu-Comm, 1995.
- Amleto Vespa, Secret Agent of Japan : A Handbook to Japanese Imperialism, London, Victor Gollancz, 1938.
- Herman Dicker, Wanderers and Settlers in the Far East, New York, Twayne Publishers, 1962.
- Abraham Kotsuji, From Tokyo to Jerusalem, Torath HaAdam Institute, 1975.
- David Kranzler, Japanese, Nazis and Jews, Hoboken, NJ, Ktav Publishing House, 1976.
- John J. Stephan, The Russian Fascists. Tragedy and Farce in Exile, 1925-1945, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1978.
- Beth Hatefutsoth, Passage Through China : The Jewish Communities of Harbin, Tientsin and Shanghai, Tel Aviv, The Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, 1986.
- Samuil Manski, With God's Help, Northwestern University, 1990.
- Solly Ganor, Light One Candle. A Survivor’s Tale from Lithuania to Jerusalem, New York, Kodansha International, 1995.
- Eric Saul, Visas for Life : The Remarkable Story of Chiune & Yukiko Sugihara and the Rescue of Thousands of Jews, San Francisco, Holocaust Oral History Project, 1995.
- George Passelecq & Bernard Suchecky, L'Encyclique cachée de Pie XI. Une occasion manquée de l'Église face à l'antisémitisme, Paris, La Découverte, 1995.
- David S. Wyman (ed.), The World reacts to the Holocaust, Baltimore & London, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.
- Yaacov Liberman, My China : Jewishi Life in the Orienr 1900-1950, Jerusalem, Gefen Books, 1998.
- Pamela Rotner Sakamoto, Japanese Diplomats and Jewish Refugees, Westport, CT, Praeger Pnblishers, 1998.
- John Cornwell, Hitler's Pope. The Secret History of Pius XII, New York, Viking, 1999.
- Alison Leslie Gold, A Special Fate. Chiune Sugihara, New York, Scholastic, 2000.
- Astrid Freyeisen, Shanghai und die Politik des Dritten Reiches, Wurzburg, Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, 2000.
- Dom Lee & Ken Mochizuki, Passage to Freedom. The Sugihara Story, New York, Lee & Low Books, 2003.
- David Alvarez & Robert A. Graham, Nothing sacred. Nazi Espionage against the Vatican 1939-1945, London, Frank Cass, 2003.
- Vincas Bartusevičius , Joachim Tauber u. Wolfram Wette, Holocaust in Litauen. Krieg, Judenmorde und Kollaboration im Jahre 1941, Wien, Böhlau Verlag, 2003.
- Alvydas Nikzentaitis, The Vanished World of Lithuanian Jews, Amsterdam, Editions Rodopi B.V. , 2004.
- Carl L. Steinhouse, Righteous and Courageous, Bloomington, Indiana, AuthorHouse, 2004.
- Samuel Iwry, To Wear the Dust of War: From Bialystok to Shanghai to the Promised Land ; An Oral History, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.
- Tessa Stirling, Daria Nałęcz & Tadeusz Dubicki, Intelligence Co-operation between Poland and Great Britain during World War II, vol.1, London, Vallentine Mitchell, 2005.
- Walter Schellenberg, The Memoirs of Hitler's Spymaster, London, André Deutsch, 2006.
- Mordecai Paldiel, Diplomat heros of the Holocaust, KTAV Publishing House, NJ, 2007.
- Alfred Erich Senn, Lithuania 1940 : Revolution from above, Amsterdam, Editions Rodopi B.V., 2007.
- Martin Kaneko, Die Judenpolitik der japanischen Kriegsregierung, Berlin, Metropol Verlag, 2008.
- Reinhard R. Deorries, Hitler’s Intelligent Chief, New York, Enigma Books, 2009.
- Michaël Prazan, Einsatzgruppen, Paris, Ed du Seuil, 2010.
- Miriam Bistrović, Anitisemitismus und Philosemitismus in Japan, Essen, Klartext Verlagsges, 2011.
- J.W.M. Chapman, The Polish Connection: Japan, Poland and the Axis Alliance. Proceedings of the British Association for Japanese Studies, v. 2, 1977.
- Teresa Watanabe, “Japan's Schindler also saved thouands”, Los Angels Times, March 20, 1994.
- Dina Porat, “The Holocaust in Lithuania: Some Unique Aspects”, in David Cesarani (ed.),The Final Solution : Origins and Implementation, London, Routledge, 1994, pp.159-175.
- J.W.M. Chapman, “Japan in Poland's Secret Neighbourhood War” in Japan Forum No.2, 1995.
- Ewa Pałasz-Rutkowska & Andrzej T. Romer, “Polish-Japanese co-operation during World War II ” in Japan Forum No.7, 1995.
- Takesato Watanabe, “The Revisionist Fallacy in The Japanese Media1-Case Studies of Denial of Nazi Gas Chambers and NHK's Report on Japanese & Jews Relations”in Social Scienes Review, Doshisha University, No.59,1999.
- Sabine Breuillard, “L'Affaire Kaspé revisitée” in Revues des études slaves, vol.73, 2001, pp.337-372.
- Gerhard Krebs, Die Juden und der Ferne Osten, NOAG 175-176, 2004.
- Gerhard Krebs, “The Jewish Problem in Japanese-German Relations 1933-1945” in Bruce Reynolds (ed.), Japan in Fascist Era, New York, 2004.
- Jonathan Goldstein, “The Case of Jan Zwartendijk in Lithuania, 1940” in Deffry M. Diefendorf (ed.), New Currents in Holocaust Reseach, Lessons and Legacies, vol.VI, Northwestern University Press, 2004.
- Hideko Mitsui, “Longing for the Other : traitors’ cosmopolitanism” in Social Anthropology, Vol 18, Issue 4, November 2010, European Association of Social Anthropologists.
- “Lithuania at the beginning of WWII”
- George Johnstone, “Japan's Sugihara came to Jews' rescue during WWII” in Investor's Business Daily, 8 December 2011.
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维基语录上的相关摘錄: 杉原千畝 |
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维基共享资源中相關的多媒體資源:杉原千畝(分類) |
- 杉原千畝 - 以色列猶太大屠殺紀念館 (英文)
- Chiune Sugihara Centennial Celebration
- Jewish Virtual Library:Chiune and Yukiko Sugihara
- The Sugihara Project
- Visas for Life Foundation
- Immortal Chaplains Foundation Prize for Humanity 2000 (awarded to Sugihara in 2000)
- Polish-Japanese Secret Cooperation During World War II: Sugihara Chiune and Polish Intelligence,by Dr. Ewa Palasz-Rutkowska
- The Jews and the Far East by Gerhard Krebs (in German)
- Explanation of pseudonym
- Rescuers during the Holocaust Bibliography
- Foreign Ministry says no disciplinary action for 'Japan's Schindler'
- Foreign Ministry honors Chiune Sugihara by setting his Commemorative Plaque (Oct. 10, 2000)
- Chiune's second son Chiaki's site
- Japanese recognition of countryman
- 岐阜縣 杉原千畝記念館
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Online Exhibition Chiune (Sempo) Sugihara
- 緯來日本台 《日本的辛德勒—杉原千畝的故事:來自日本的救命簽證》中文官網