









1 哥斯达黎加2008年2月17日[8]
2 阿富汗2008年2月18日[9]
3 阿尔巴尼亚2008年2月18日[10][11]
4 法國2008年2月18日[12]
5 塞内加尔2008年2月18日[13][14]
6 土耳其2008年2月18日[15]
7 英國2008年2月18日[16]
8 美國2008年2月18日[17]
9 澳大利亚2008年2月19日[18]
10 拉脫維亞2008年2月20日[19]
11 德國2008年2月20日[20]
12 爱沙尼亚2008年2月21日[21]
13 義大利2008年2月21日[22]
14 丹麥2008年2月21日[23]
15 卢森堡2008年2月21日[24]
16 秘魯2008年2月22日[25]
17 比利時2008年2月24日[26]
18 波蘭2008年2月26日[27]
19 瑞士2008年2月27日[28]
20 奥地利2008年2月28日[29]
21 爱尔兰2008年2月29日[30]
22 瑞典2008年3月4日[31]
23 荷蘭2008年3月4日[32]
24 冰島2008年3月5日[33]
25 斯洛維尼亞2008年3月5日[34]
26 芬兰2008年3月7日[35]
27 日本2008年3月18日[36]
28 加拿大2008年3月18日[37]
29 摩納哥2008年3月19日[38]
30 匈牙利2008年3月19日[39]
31 2008年3月19日[40]
32 保加利亚2008年3月20日[41]
33 列支敦斯登2008年3月25日[42]
34 大韓民國2008年3月28日[43]
35 挪威2008年3月28日[44]
36 马绍尔群岛2008年4月17日[45]
37 布吉納法索2008年4月23日[46][47]
38 瑙鲁2008年4月23日[48][47]
39 立陶宛2008年5月6日[49]
40 圣马力诺2008年5月12日[50]
41 捷克2008年5月21日[51]
42 利比里亚2008年5月30日[fn 1][55]
43 塞拉利昂2008年6月11日[56][57]
44 哥伦比亚2008年8月4日[58]
45 伯利兹2008年8月7日[59]
46 馬爾他2008年8月22日[60]
47 萨摩亚2008年9月15日[61][62]
48 葡萄牙2008年10月7日[63]
49 蒙特內哥羅2008年10月9日[64]
50 北馬其頓2008年10月9日[65]
51 阿联酋2008年10月14日[66]
52 马来西亚2008年10月30日[67][68]
53 密克羅尼西亞聯邦2008年12月5日[69][70]
54 巴拿马2009年1月16日[71][72]
55 馬爾地夫2009年2月19日[73]
56 冈比亚2009年4月7日[74]
57 沙烏地阿拉伯2009年4月20日[75]
58 巴林2009年5月19日[76]
59 约旦2009年7月7日[77]
60 2009年7月10日[78][79]
61 2009年11月9日[80]
62 马拉维2009年12月14日[81]
63 毛里塔尼亚2010年1月12日[82]
64 斯威士兰2010年4月12日[83][84]
65 瓦努阿圖2010年4月28日[85]
66 吉布提2010年5月8日[86]
67 索馬利亞2010年5月19日[87]
68 洪都拉斯2010年9月3日[88]
69 基里巴斯2010年10月21日[89][90]
70 图瓦卢2010年11月18日[91]
71 2011年1月7日[92]
72 几内亚比绍2011年1月10日[fn 2][98][99]
73 安道尔2011年6月8日[100]
74 几内亚2011年8月12日[101][102]
75 尼日尔2011年8月15日[101][103]
76 2011年8月18日[104]
77 圣卢西亚2011年8月19日[105]
78 加彭2011年9月15日[106][107]
79 2011年9月16日[108][109]
80 科威特2011年10月11日[110]
81 加纳2012年1月23日[111][112]
82 海地2012年2月10日[113]
83 文莱2012年4月25日[114]
84 乍得2012年6月1日[115]
85 东帝汶2012年9月20日[116][117]
86 斐济2012年11月19日[118][119]
87 圣基茨和尼维斯2012年11月28日[120][121]
88 巴基斯坦2012年12月24日[122][123]
89 圭亚那2013年3月16日[124][125]
90 坦桑尼亚2013年5月29日[126]
91 葉門2013年6月11日[127][128]
92 埃及2013年6月26日[129]
93 薩爾瓦多2013年6月29日[130][131][132]
94 泰國2013年9月24日[133][134]
95 利比亞2013年9月25日[135][136]
96 2014年1月15日[137]
97 安地卡及巴布達2015年5月20日[138]
98 新加坡2016年12月1日[139][140]
99 2017年2月27日[141][142]
100 巴巴多斯2018年2月15日[143][144][145]




1 苏里南2016年7月8日2017年10月27日[150][151][152][153]
2 2012年10月16日2018年2月15日[154][155][156]
3 巴布亚新几内亚2012年10月3日2018年7月5日[157]
4 賴索托2014年2月11日2018年10月16日[158][159][160]
5 科摩罗2009年5月14日2018年11月1日[161][162][163][164]
6 多米尼克2012年12月11日2018年11月2日[165][166][166][167][168]
7 格瑞那達2013年9月25日2018年11月4日[169][170]
8 所罗门群岛2014年8月13日2018年11月28日[171][172]
9 马达加斯加2017年11月24日2018年12月7日[173]
10 帛琉2009年3月6日2019年1月17日[174][175]
11 多哥2014年7月11日2019年6月28日[176][177][178]
12 中非2011年7月22日2019年7月24日[179][180][181]



  1. http://www.mfa-ks.net/?page=2,49
  2. http://www.mfa-ks.net/?page=1,4,2435
  3. http://www.mfa-ks.net/?page=1,4,2312
  4. http://www.mfa-ks.net/?page=1,4,2312
  5. Misionet Diplomatike të Kosovës. . 2013-12-28 [2016-04-23].
  6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo. . 2013-02-15 [2016-04-23].
  7. Countries that have recognized the Republic of Kosova, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo
  8. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto Memoria Institucional 2007–2008 存檔,存档日期24 September 2015. (in Spanish) p.93
  9. The Statement of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on the Recognition of Independence of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Afghanistan, 2008-02-18
  10. Statement of Prime Minister of Albania Mr. Sali Berisha on Recognition of Independence of Kosova, Republic of Albania Council of Ministers, 2008-02-18 存檔,存档日期25 April 2015.
  11. According to the official text of recognition and the law of 1991 of the People's Assembly of Albania the Republic of Albania recognised the Republic of Kosovo, based on the law of 1991, which recognised the Republic of Kosova on 1991年10月21日. On 18 February 2008, Albania decided to take full diplomatic relations and accredit an ambassador to Pristina.
  12. Kosovo declares independence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, France, 2008-02-18 存檔,存档日期17 December 2014.
  13. Senegal – Kosovo, Dakar reconnaît le nouvel Etat 存檔,存档日期17 December 2014., Agence de Presse Sénégalaise 2008-02-18 (in French)
  14. Senegal recognises Kosovo's independence: ministry, haaba.com, 2008-02-19 存檔,存档日期17 February 2012.
  15. Statement of H.E. Mr. Ali Babacan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, Regarding the Recognition of Kosovo by Turkey 存檔,存档日期4 December 2008., Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, 2008-02-18
  16. UK recognises Kosovo independence, Reuters. 存檔,存档日期31 October 2014.
  17. U.S. Recognizes Kosovo as Independent State, U.S. Department of State, 2008-02-18
  18. Australia Recognises the Republic of Kosovo, Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 2008-02-19
  19. Announcement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Latvia on recognition of Kosovo's independence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia, 2011-02-20
  20. Germany recognises Kosovo 存檔,存档日期19 October 2011., German Federal Government, 2008-02-20
  21. Estonia recognises Republic of Kosovo 存檔,存档日期4 June 2011., Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2008-02-21
  22. Consiglio dei Ministri n. 93 del 21 febbraio 2008 存檔,存档日期2 April 2008., Italian Council of Ministers, 2008-02-21 (in Italian)
  23. Denmark recognizes Kosovo as an independent state 存檔,存档日期19 July 2011., Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 2008-05-12
  24. Le Luxembourg reconnaît formellement le Kosovo 存檔,存档日期26 February 2008., Le Gouvernement du Grande-Duché de Luxembourg, 2008-02-21 (in French)
  25. Perú decide reconocer independencia de Kósovoe 存檔,存档日期26 February 2008., Peruvian Ministry of External Relations, 2008-02-22 (in Spanish)
  26. Koninklijk besluit betreffende de erkenning van de Republiek Kosovo, Kosovo Thanks You, 2008-02-18 (in Dutch and French)
  27. Government has recognised the independence of Kosovo, The Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, 2008-02-26
  28. Bilateral relations between Switzerland and Kosovo, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation, 2008-02-27
  29. Plassnik: "Letter on Kosovo's recognition signed", Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria, 2008-02-28
  30. Minister for Foreign Affairs Dermot Ahern TD Announces Ireland's recognition of the Republic of Kosovo 存檔,存档日期5 March 2008., Department of Foreign Affairs, 2008-02-29
  31. Sweden recognises the Republic of Kosovo 存檔,存档日期5 March 2008., Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 2008-03-04
  32. The Netherlands recognises Kosovo, Government of the Netherlands, 2008-03-04
  33. The Government of Iceland formally recognizes Kosovo, Iceland Foreign Ministry, 2008-03-05
  34. Slovenia Recognizes Kosovo, Slovenian Press Agency, 5 March 2008
  35. Finland recognised the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, 2008-03-07
  36. Statement by Foreign Minister Masahiko Koumura on the Recognition of the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, 2008-03-18
  37. Canada-Kosovo Relations, Government of Canada, 2010-07-12
  38. Principata e Monakos njohu Republikën e Kosovës, President of the Republic of Kosovo, 2008-03-19 (in Albanian)
  39. Hungary recognizes Kosovo's Independence 存檔,存档日期23 March 2008., Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, 2008-03-19
  40. Croatia recognises Kosovo 存檔,存档日期24 March 2008., Government of the Republic of Croatia, 2008-03-19
  41. Sergei Stanishev: Bulgarian Government's decision to recognize the independence of Kosovo is fully complied with the country's national interests and our commitment to the future of the region, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, 2008-03-20
  42. Liechtenstein anerkennt den Kosovo 存檔,存档日期3 April 2008., Liechtenstein government, 2008-03-28 (in German)
  43. Recognition of the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea, 2008-03-28
  44. Norway recognises Kosovo as an independent state, Norway – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2008-03-28
  45. Republic of the Marshall Islands has recognized Kosovo 存檔,存档日期22 October 2013., New Kosova Report, 2008-04-17
  46. Burkina Faso recognizes Kosovo 存檔,存档日期28 April 2008., New Kosova Report, 2008-04-24
  47. . B92. 24 April 2008 [21 June 2018].
  48. Republika e Naurusë njohu Republikën e Kosovës, President of the Republic of Kosovo, 2008-04-23 (in Albanian)
  49. Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Resolution on the Recognition of the Republic of Kosovo, Chancellery of the Parliament of Lithuania, 2008-05-06
  50. Delibera n. 8 del 12/05/2008 – Riconoscimento della Repubblica del Kosovo da parte della Re-pubblica di San Marino, Secretary of State for Internal Affairs of the Republic of San Marino
  51. The Czech Republic has recognized independence of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, 2008-05-21 存檔,存档日期15 October 2015.
  52. . B92. 2018-06-20 [2018-06-25].
  53. . 2018-07-04 [2018-07-14].
  54. . Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia. [2018-06-25].
  55. Liberia Recognizes Kosovo 存檔,存档日期14 July 2011., Liberian Daily Observer, 2011-02-20
  56. Sierra Leone Recognized Kosovo, Press Release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2008-06-13
  57. Sierra Leone request to transmit recognition of Kosovo independence, American Embassy, Freetown (released by Wikileaks), 2008-06-12
  58. Colombia reconoció formalmente la República de Kosovo 存檔,存档日期23 February 2013., Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Colombia, 2008-08-04 (in Spanish)
  59. Belize njeh pavarësinë e Kosovës, President of the Republic of Kosovo, 2008-08-07 (in Albanian)
  60. Malta Recognizes Kosovo as an Independent State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malta, 2008-08-22
  61. Samoa njeh pavarësinë e Kosovës, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, 2008-09-15 (in Albanian)
  62. Samoa recognizes independent Kosovo 存檔,存档日期17 October 2011., New Kosova Report, 2008-09-15
  63. Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros: Comunicado de Imprensa – Kosovo 存檔,存档日期21 July 2011., 2008-10-07 (in Portuguese)
  64. Joint Statement of the Government of Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, Government of Montenegro, 2008-10-09
  65. Macedonia recognizes Kosovo 存檔,存档日期15 October 2008., Macedonian Information Agency, 2008-10-09
  66. UAE recognises Kosovo 存檔,存档日期17 October 2008., Emirates News Agency, 2008-10-14
  67. Press Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia on the recognition of Kosovo's independence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia, 2008-11-01 存檔,存档日期17 September 2009.
  68. Verbal Note, Kosovo Thanks You
  69. Micronesia recognizes independence of Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2008-12-05
  70. FSM Recognizes Kosovo Act of Self-Determination 存檔,存档日期30 March 2017., Government of the Federated States of Micronesia, 2008-12-05
  71. Comunicado de prensa sobre reconocimiento de la República de Kosovo, Presidencia de la República de Panamá, 2009-01-16 (in Spanish) 存檔,存档日期26 September 2013.
  72. Panama recognized independent state of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-01-16
  73. Maldives extends full diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Kosovo 存檔,存档日期22 July 2011., Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Maldives, 2009-02-19
  74. Gambia recognizes Kosovo's independence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-04-07
  75. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia recognizes the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-04-20
  76. Bahrain recognizes Kosovo, Bahrain News Agency, 2009-05-19
  77. Jordan recognizes the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-07-08
  78. Dominican Republic recognized the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-07-11
  79. Comunicado 存檔,存档日期23 March 2012., Kosovo Thanks You (in Spanish)
  80. New Zealand recognizes the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-11-09
  81. Republic of Malawi recognizes Kosovo as independent and sovereign state, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-12-16
  82. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania recognized the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2010-01-14
  83. Recognition of the Republic of Kosovo by the Kingdom of Swaziland, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2010-04-12
  84. Verbal Note, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo
  85. Official recognition letter by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade of the Republic of Vanuatu, Kosovo Thanks You, 2010-04-28
  86. Recognition is confirmed by Djibouti, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2010-05-12
  87. Somalia recognized the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2010-05-21
  88. Honduras recognises the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2010-09-03
  89. Kiribati recognises the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2010-10-25
  90. . New Kosovo Alliance. (原始内容存档于13 March 2013).
  91. Tuvalu recognises Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2010-11-19
  92. Qatar recognized the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-01-07
  93. . Government of Serbia. 2017-07-21 [2017-07-21].
  94. . b92.net. Tanjug. 21 November 2017 [21 November 2017] (塞尔维亚语).
  95. . mfa.gov.rs (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia). 17 November 2017 [21 November 2017].
  96. Ministria e Jashtme pranon Notën Verbale të ri-konfirmimit zyrtar të njohjes së Republikës së Kosovës nga shteti Guinea-Bissau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2018-02-02
  97. Pacolli 🇽🇰, Behgjet. .
  98. The Republic of Guinea-Bissau Recognized the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-01-10
  99. Verbal Note, Lajme Shqip, 2011-09-08 (in French)
  100. The Principality of Andorra recognizes Kosovo's independence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-06-08
  101. The Republic of Niger and the Republic of Guinea Conakry recognize Kosovo's independence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-08-16
  102. Note 存檔,存档日期4 November 2013., First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-08-12 (in French)
  103. Verbal Note 存檔,存档日期4 November 2013., First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-08-15 (in French)
  104. The Republic of Benin is the 80th state to recognize Kosovo's independence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-08-18
  105. Santa Lucia is the 81st UN member state to recognize the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-08-22
  106. Kosovo's recognition confirmed by the Republic of Gabon, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo, 2011-10-13
  107. Verbal Note 存檔,存档日期4 November 2013., First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo 2011-09-15 (in French)
  108. Ivory Coast recognizes Kosovo 存檔,存档日期1 March 2012., Top Channel, 2011-09-21
  109. Déclaration par la Côte d'Ivoire de la reconnaissance de l'État du Kossovo 存檔,存档日期4 November 2013., Ministère des Affaires Etrangères de la Républic du Côte d'Ivoire, released First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo (in French)
  110. Kuwait formally recognizes the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-10-11
  111. Ghana Republic – the 86th country recognising the Independence of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-01-23
  112. Verbal Note 存檔,存档日期21 May 2013., KosovaTimes, 2012-01-24
  113. Haiti's recognition of Kosovo confirmed during Minister Hoxhaj's visit to this state, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-02-10
  114. Brunei Darussalam recognizes Kosovo independence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-04-25
  115. Chad recognizes the Republic of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-06-01
  116. Timori Lindor njeh pavarësinë e Kosovës, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-11-09 (in Albanian)
  117. Note verbale, Timor-Leste Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2012-09-20
  118. Prime Minister Thaçi: Kosovo's membership in EBRD testified that the process of the recognition of the Kosovo as a democratic and sovereign country has taken an irreversible up-turn and is recognized as an historical fact, Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-11-19
  119. Fiji's verbal note recognizing Kosovo arrives, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-11-22
  120. Saint Kitts dhe Nevis njeh zyrtarisht pavarësinë e Kosovës, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-11-28 (in Albanian)
  121. . [2019-09-16]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-09).
  122. Recognition of the Republic of Kosovo 存檔,存档日期2 January 2013., Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 2012-24-12
  123. Arrin nota verbale e njohjes së Kosovës nga Pakistani, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2012-12-28 (in Albanian)
  124. Guajana njeh shtetin e pavarur dhe sovran të Kosovës, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2013-03-16 (in Albanian)
  125. , UN, 2013-08-29, In June, Egypt, United Republic of Tanzania, Yemen, Guyana and El Salvador had recognized its independence, joining more than 100 Member States that had done the same.
  126. CKA 699/755/01, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Republic of Tanzania, 2013-06-05
  127. Yemen recognizes Kosovo, Saba Net, 2013-06-11
  128. Verbal Note 存檔,存档日期13 December 2013., The official Facebook page of Enver Hoxhaj
  129. قرار حكومة جمهورية مصر العربية الاعتراف بجمهورية كوسوفو كدولة مستقلة وذات سيادة 存檔,存档日期30 June 2013., Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, 2013-06-26 (in Arabic)
  130. El Salvador njeh Kosovën, Telegrafi, 2013-06-29
  131. June, month of record recognitions 存檔,存档日期5 February 2017., Kosovo's New Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Kosovo, June/August 2013
  132. Arrin nota verbale nga El Salvadori, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2013-10-04 (in Albanian)
  133. Prime Minister Thaçi officially receives Thailand recognition of Kosovo in a meeting with Thailand Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Surapong Tovichakchaikul, Prime Minister of Kosovo, 2013-09-26
  134. การรับรองโคโซโวโดยการสถาปนาความสัมพันธ์ทางการทูตกับโคโซโว, ข่าวออนไลน์ RYT9, 2013-09-25 (in Thai)
  135. Today, in New York, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi met the Prime Minister of Libya, Ali Zeidan in a private meeting, Prime Minister of Kosovo, 2013-09-25
  136. Libya officially recognises Kosovo, Libya Herald, 2013-09-26
  137. Arrin nota verbale e njohjes nga Mbretëria e Tongës, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2014-01-20 (in Albanian)
  138. Antigua and Barbuda recognizes the independence of Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2015-05-20
  139. Singapore Recognizes Kosovo as an Independent State and Diplomatic Relations are Established, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2016-12-01
  140. The Government of the Republic of Singapore and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo have established diplomatic relations with effect from 1 December 2016. 存檔,存档日期20 June 2018., Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore, 2016-12-01
  141. Bangladesh Officially Recognizes Kosovo as an Independent State, Dhaka Tribune, 2017-02-27
  142. Prime Minister Mustafa accepted verbal note of recognition of Kosovo by Bangladesh, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2016-02-28
  143. . RTKLive. 15 February 2018 [6 March 2018] (阿尔巴尼亚语).
  144. . 15 February 2018.
  145. Pacolli, Behgjet [@pacollibehgjet]. (推文). 16 February 2018 Twitter.
  146. The Republic of Kosovo officially declared independence on February 17, 2008, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) 2008-02-21
  147. 中華民國(台灣)自即日起正式承認科索沃共和國, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) 2008-02-19 (in Chinese)
  148. . KOHA.net. [27 November 2015]. (原始内容存档于20 May 2015).
  149. Kosova njihet nga Niue, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo
  150. Serbia, RTS, Radio televizija Srbije, Radio Television of. .
  151. . [2019-09-16]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-20).
  152. . B92.net.
  153. . mfa.gov.rs.
  154. Déclaration par la Républic du Burundi de la reconnaissance de l'État du Kossovo 存檔,存档日期16 October 2013., Ministère des relations extérieures et de la coopération internationale de la Républic du Burundi, 2012-10-16 (in French)
  155. . Ministry of External Relations and International Cooperation (Burundi). 2018-02-15 [2018-02-25].
  156. [Dačić: Burundi Withdraws Recognition, Kosovo Independence Fragile]. N1. 17 February 2018 [17 February 2018] (塞尔维亚语).
  157. . Sputnik. November 2018.
  158. On 16 October 2018 Serbia's Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic after meeting with Lesotho's Prime Minister in presence of Lesotho's Foreign Minister Lesego Makgothi presented to the public nota verbale of Lesotho's Foreign Ministry that confirms withdrawal of recognition. . 2018-10-16 [2018-10-16].
  159. Pas njohjes nga Lesoto, Hoxhaj vazhdon lobimin në Afrikë, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2014-02-11 (in Albanian)
  160. Kosovo: Lesotho riconosce indipendenza, 106/mo Paese a farlo, ansa.it, 2014-02-11 (in Italian)
  161. . 7 November 2018 [7 November 2018].
  162. Union of the Comoros recognizes the Republic of Kosovo, as an independent and sovereign state, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2009-05-19
  163. . The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 9 November 2018 [17 November 2018].
  164. Note verbale, Le Ministère des Relations Extérieures, de la Coopération, chargé de la Diaspora de la Francophonie et du Monde Arabe de l'Union des Comores, Kosovo Thanks You, 2009-05-14 (in French)
  165. . 2 November 2018 [3 November 2018].
  166. . [18 December 2018].
  167. . 2 November 2018 [18 December 2018].
  168. . pbs.twimg.com. [2018-12-18].
  169. . N1. 4 November 2018 [27 November 2018].
  170. . Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Serbia. 4 November 2018 [27 November 2018].
  171. . Koha Ditore. 2 December 2018 [3 December 2018].
  172. . N1. 3 December 2018 [3 December 2018].
  173. . Orange Madagadscar. 8 December 2018 (法语).
  174. . Gazetta Express. 18 January 2019 [2019-09-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-19).
  175. . Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. 21 January 2019.
  176. Togo recognized Kosovo, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2014-07-02
  177. Le Togo reconnaît le Kosovo, Robert Dussey, 2014-07-22 (in French)
  178. . Večernje novosti. 26 August 2019 [27 August 2019] (塞尔维亚语).
  179. Central African Republic recognized Kosovo independence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-07-22
  180. Verbal Note 存檔,存档日期4 November 2013., First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, 2011-07-22 (in French)
  181. Travers, Eve-Anne. . Prishtina Insight. 2 August 2019 [4 August 2019].
  1. In June 2018, following a meeting between Liberian Foreign Minister Gbehzohngar Milton Findley and Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, a note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Liberia was published which stated in part that it "annuls its letter of recognition of Kosovo."[52][53] A few days latter, Liberia's MFA posted a notice on its website saying that it wished "to refute reports in some international and social media of its revocation of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Kosovo."[54]
  2. In a letter dated 21 November 2017, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guinea-Bissau informed Kosovo that it had withdrawn its recognition.[93][94][95] On 2 February 2018, Kosovo's MFA announced that it had received a new note verbale from Guinea-Bissau stating that the previous note revoking recognition had no effect.[96][97]
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