


廣義來說,凡是人類非生殖性的性行為(non-coital sexual acts),包括自慰、互相手淫口交肛交避孕性行為等都包含在內[5][6]




“”一词来源于《創世記》中所多瑪與蛾摩拉的故事[7]。 这个词是由彼得達米安在11世纪创造,用来取代《聖經》中的“sin of Sodom”, 彼得最初把手淫行为也包括在这个词的范围内[8]

“sin of Sodom”來自於《圣经》创世纪第18、19章中耶和華亞伯拉罕的故事。耶和華认为所多瑪與蛾摩拉(Sodom and Gomorrah,是古代巴勒斯坦的城市)被道德败坏且罪恶深重的人群占据,所以,耶和華告诉亚伯拉罕他要毁掉这两个城市。亚伯拉罕替居住在两个城市的人求情,最后耶和華同意,如果能在城市里找到10个清白的人,他就宽恕整个城市。于是,耶和華派了两个天使去考察所多玛,他们受到所多玛最后一个清白的人、亞伯拉罕的小舅羅得的热情款待。可是在天使要睡觉的时候,所多玛的居民围住了羅得的房子,要求和羅得的“客人”发生性关系。








  1. . sodomy,「性悖軌」一詞是參考張志維1996年中外文學第289期中的譯法。Sodomy一般指的是肛交,原意專指男性和男性之間的肛交,在古代是宗教上的處罰行為,sodomy law的出發點也是為了定罪於男同性戀,但制定法律需要一些說辭,因此從教會觀點羅織某些性行為是悖離常軌、不自然(違反生殖原則)的...而且不只存在同性、也可能存在異性、夫妻之間
  2. Colin Sumner. . John Wiley & Sons. 2008: 310–320 [September 21, 2013]. ISBN 0470998954.
  3. Sullivan, Andrew. . The New Republic. March 24, 2003 [November 27, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2010-07-02). Since the laws had rarely been enforced against heterosexuals, there was no sense of urgency about their repeal. (Or Sullivan, Andrew. . The New Republic. 2003-03-24, 228 (11).)
  4. Nicholas C. Edsall. . University of Virginia Press. 2006: 3–4 [September 21, 2013]. ISBN 0813925436.
  5. Andrew Sullivan. . The New Republic. 2003. It's worth noting, then, that from the very beginning sodomy and homosexuality were two categorically separate things. The correct definition of sodomy--then and now--is simply non-procreative sex, whether practiced by heterosexuals or homosexuals. It includes oral sex, masturbation, mutual masturbation, contraceptive sex, coitus interruptus, and anal sex--any sex in which semen does not find its way into a uterus. So it's perhaps unsurprising that Jordan's research doesn't discover the actual nouns "sodomy" and "sodomite" until the eleventh century. The first and most influential polemic against it was the hermit monk Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah. Given the period's expansive definition of sodomy (it did, after all, include masturbation), it's not surprising that Damian believed it was rife. But his particular fixation--which has persisted in religious teachings ever since--is with same-sex male sodomy.
  6. Quibian Salazar-Moreno. . Up until 1962, sodomy was considered a felony and, in some states, oral sex, adultery and masturbation fell under the sodomy laws.
  7. J. D. Douglas, Merrill C. Tenney. . Zondervan. 2011: 1584 pages [September 21, 2013]. ISBN 0310492351.
  8. Andrew Sullivan. . The New Republic. 2003. It's worth noting, then, that from the very beginning sodomy and homosexuality were two categorically separate things. The correct definition of sodomy--then and now--is simply non-procreative sex, whether practiced by heterosexuals or homosexuals. It includes oral sex, masturbation, mutual masturbation, contraceptive sex, coitus interruptus, and anal sex--any sex in which semen does not find its way into a uterus. So it's perhaps unsurprising that Jordan's research doesn't discover the actual nouns "sodomy" and "sodomite" until the eleventh century. The first and most influential polemic against it was the hermit monk Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah. Given the period's expansive definition of sodomy (it did, after all, include masturbation), it's not surprising that Damian believed it was rife. But his particular fixation--which has persisted in religious teachings ever since--is with same-sex male sodomy.
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