
基督教在2015年,有23億人口。該信仰佔世界人口的三分之一,是世界上最大的宗教,基督教的教会可分為基督教會新教、以及東正教教堂。 [1][2]其中最大的基督教教派是基督教會,有12億信徒。


最多基督徒人口截至2011年 (2011-Missing required parameter 1=month!)):

  1.  美國 229,157,250[3]
  2.  巴西 169,213,130[4]
  3.  俄羅斯 114,198,444[5]
  4.  墨西哥 106,204,560[6]
  5.  奈及利亞 80,510,000[7]
  6.  菲律賓 78,790,000[8]
  7.  中國 67,070,000[7]
  8.  刚果民主共和国 63,150,000[7]
  9.  法國 55,948,600
  10.  義大利 55,832,000
  11.  衣索比亞 51,477,950
  12.  德國 50,752,580[9]
  13.  哥伦比亚 44,502,000
  14.  烏克蘭 41,973,000
  15.  南非 40,243,000
  16.  西班牙 38,568,000
  17.  波蘭 36,526,000
  18.  肯尼亚 33,625,790
  19.  阿根廷 33,497,100
  20.  英國 33,200,417
  21.  乌干达 29,943,000
  22.  印度 28,436,000
  23.  委內瑞拉 28,340,790
  24.  秘魯 27,365,100
  25.  印尼 24,123,000



排名 國家 基督徒人數 % 國家 % 基督徒人數
1  美國 247.000.000 75.4%  梵蒂冈 100% 800
2  巴西 175,700,000 91.4%  羅馬尼亞 99% 21,490,000
3  俄羅斯 117,640,000 83.6%  巴布亚新几内亚 99% 6,860,000
4  墨西哥 122,500,000 93%   99% 100,000
5  菲律賓 110,644,000 85%  亞美尼亞 98.5% 3,090,000
6  奈及利亞 92,281,000 52.8%  纳米比亚 97.6% 2,280,000
7  刚果民主共和国 68,558,000 95.6%  马绍尔群岛 97.5% 50,000
8  衣索比亞 54,978,000 64.5%  摩尔多瓦 97.5% 3,570,000
9  義大利 54,070,000 91.5%  尚比亞 97.5% 13,090,000
10  德國 47,200,000 57.3%  希臘 93% 10,000,000

Percent (%) Christians Number of countries Population
100 2 850
90–99 49 739,568,000
80–89 28 312,790,200
70–79 20 599,319,000
60–69 11 177,608,000
50–59 16 132,349,929
40–49 3 13,594,000
30–39 6 15,497,000
20–29 5 23,657,000
10–19 10 43,409,000
1–9 34 124,755,000
0–1 13 1,823,750


國家/地區 人口 % 基督徒 % 天主教 % 其他基督教 2012年人均生產毛額
 阿富汗 (details) 6,250/8,000[10]-30,000[11] 0.02%-0.1%[11] 1,399
 阿尔巴尼亚 (details) 580,000 17.0%[12] 10% 7% 9,443
 阿尔及利亚 (details) 380,000[13] 2% 1% 1% 8,515
 美属萨摩亚 (details) 70,000 98.3% 20% 78%
 安道尔 (details) 78,000 89.5% 88.2%[14] 1.3%
 安哥拉 (details) 17,094,000 75%[15] 50% 25% 6,105
 安圭拉 (details) 15,000 90.5% 3% 87%
 安地卡及巴布達 (details) 66,000 74.0% 10% 64% 19,964
 阿根廷 (details) 37,561,000 86%[16]-90%[17] 71%[16]-77% 13%-15%[16] 12,034
 亞美尼亞 (details) 2,826,000 [18] 97.9% [18] 97.9% [18] 6,645
 阿鲁巴 (details) 98,000 88% 80.8% 7.8%
 澳大利亚 (details) 12,201,600 52.1%[19] 22.6% 29.6% 44,462
 奥地利 (details) 5,940,000 67.3% 57.9%[20] 9.4% 43,324
 阿塞拜疆 (details) 280,000[21] 3.1% 3.1% 10,624
 巴哈马 (details) 335,975 95%[22] 12.0% 83.0% 31,629
 巴林 (details) 185,000 15.0%[23] 9.0% 23,886
  (details) 420,000 0.4%[24] 0.4% 1,883
 巴巴多斯 (details) 244,000 74%[25] 4.2% 70% 18,805
 白俄羅斯 (details) 5,265,000 55.4%[26] 7.1% 48.3% 15,579
 比利時 (details) 6,860,000 65%[27] 58%[27] 7%[27] 38,884
 伯利兹 (details) 247,000 76.7% 40% 36.7% 7,529
  (details) 3,943,000 42.8% 27% 15% 1,583
 百慕大 (details) 44,000 64.7% 15% 50%
 不丹 (details) 7,000 1.0% 0.1% 0.9% 6,699
 玻利维亚 (details) 9,730,000 89.0% 76% 13% 5,281
  (details) 1,622,093[28] 45.94%[28] 15.19%[28] 30.75%[28] 9,235
 博茨瓦纳 (details) 1,416,000 71.6% 5% 66% 16,986
 巴西 (details) 180,770,000[29] 90.0%[29] 64.6%[29] 25.4%[29] 11,909
 英屬維爾京群島 (details) 23,000 94.0% 85% 9%
 文莱 (details) 45,000 11.0% 53,348
 保加利亚 (details) 6,364,000 85.0%[27] 1% 84%[27] 15,933
 布吉納法索 (details) 3,746,000 22.0% 18% 4% 1,513
  (details) 7,662,000 75.0% 60% 15% 560
 柬埔寨 (details) 148,000 1.0% 0.15% 0.85% 2,494
 喀麦隆 (details) 13,390,000 65.0% 38.4% 26.3% 2,324
 加拿大 (details) 22,103,000 67.3%[30] 38.7% 29% 42,693
 佛得角 (details) 487,000 89.1%[11] 78.7% 10.4% 4,430
 开曼群岛 (details) 42,000 73.8%
 中非 (details) 2,302,000 80% 29% 51% 857
 乍得 (details) 4,150,000[11] 35.0% 20% 15% 1,493
 智利 (details) 9,900,000 68%[31] 55% 13% 22,655
 中华人民共和国 (details) 31,220,000[32]-67,070,000[11] 2.3%-4.0%[33] 0.3% 2% 9,233
 哥伦比亚 (details) 43,560,000 92%[34] 79% 13% 10,587
 科摩罗 (details) 15,000 2.1% 1,230
 庫克群島 (details) 19,000 86% 16.8% 69.6%
 刚果共和国 (details) 3,409,000 90.7% 50% 40% 4,426
 刚果民主共和国 (details) 63,150,000 92% 50% 42% 422
 哥斯达黎加 (details) 3,912,000 83% 69% 14% 12,943
  (details) 7,075,000 32.8% 28.9% 3.9% 2,039
  (details) 4,107,000 90.1%[35] 86.2% 4.7% 20,532
 古巴 (details) 6,670,000[11] 59.2%[11] 52.7% 7.5%
 賽普勒斯 (details) 863,000 79%[36][37] 1% 78% 30,597
 捷克 (details) 1,175,000 34%[27] 29.0%[27] 5.0%[27] 26,426
 丹麥 (details) 4,400,754[38] 79% 1% 77.8%[39] 41,388
 吉布提 (details) 53,000 6.0% 1% 5% 2,784
 多米尼克 (details) 59,000 88.7% 61% 27% 12,643
  (details) 9,734,000 83% 65% 18% 10,204
 东帝汶 (details) 1,152,000 99.1%[40] 96.9% 2.2%
 厄瓜多尔 (details) 14,099,000 94.0% 74% 20% 9,738
 埃及 (details) 9,029,000 10.0% [41] 6,723
 薩爾瓦多 (details) 5,073,000 81.9% 52.6% 29.3% 7,069
 赤道几内亚 (details) 683,000 88.7%[11] 80.7% 8.0% 30,233
 厄立特里亚 (details) 2,871,000 50%[42] 4% 45% 566
 爱沙尼亚 (details) 310,000 45%[27] 3%[27] 42%[27] 23,024
 衣索比亞 (details) 52,580,000 64% 0.7% 63.4% 1,139
 福克蘭群島 (details) 3,000 94.3% 94%
 法罗群岛 (details) 33,000 95.4%[43] 94%
 斐济 (details) 540,000 64.4% 8.9% 55.5% 4,943
 芬兰 (details) 3,965,000[44] 71.9%[44] 0.3% 71.6% 38,230
 法國 (details) 36,700,000-40,000,000 51.1%[45]-58%[27]/63-66%[46] 50-63%[47]/54%[27] 4%[27] 35,845
 加彭 (details) 1,081,000 88.0%[48] 41.9% 46.1% 16,086
 冈比亚 (details) 79,000 4.2% [49] 1,948
  (details) 3,930,000 88.6%[50] 0.9% 87.7% 5,902
 德國 (details) 47,200,000 57.3%[51] 28.3%[51] 29.0%[51] 40,394
 加纳 (details) 19,300,000 71.2%[52] 13.1% 58.1% 2,048
 希臘 (details) 11,000,000 98% 0.7% 97.3% 24,667
 格陵兰 (details) 55,000 96.6% 96.6%
 格瑞那達 (details) 101,000 97.3% 53% 45% 10,827
 危地马拉 (details) 14,018,000 87% 47% 40% 5,100
 几内亚 (details) 1,032,000 8.9% [53] 5% 5% 1,069
 几内亚比绍 (details) 165,000 10.0% 10.0% 1,192
 圭亚那 (details) 434,000 57.0% 8% 49% 3,399
 海地 (details) 9,597,000 96.0% 80.0% 16.0% 1,228
 洪都拉斯 (details) 6,660,000 88%[54] 47% 41% 4,194
 香港 (details) 835,000 11.8%[55] 5.0% 6.8% 51,946
 匈牙利 (details) 5,254,179[56]- 6,501,000[27] 52.87%[56]-65.0%[27] 38.96%[56]-58.0%[27] 13.91%[56] 21,570
 冰島 (details) 274,000[57] 78.8%[57] 3.9%[57] 74.9%[57] 37,533
 印度 (details) 30,000,000 2.3% [18] 1.3% 1.0% 3,876
 印尼 (details) 24,000,000 10%[58] 3% 7% 4,956
 伊朗 (details) 380,000[59] 0.4% 0.4% 11,395
 伊拉克 (details) 944,000 3.0% 3.0% 4,246
 愛爾蘭 (details) 3,992,000 [60] 83.8% [60] 78.2% [60] 5.6% [60] 42,662
 以色列 (details) 266,000 3.5% 3.5% 28,809
 義大利 (details) 53,230,000[61] 83% 81.2% 2% 32,512
 牙买加 (details) 1,784,000 65.3% 2% 63.3% 7,083
 日本 (details) 2,921,000 2.3%[62] 1% 1% 35,204
 约旦 (details) 388,000 6.0%[63] 6,148
  (details) 4,150,000[11] 26.2%[11] 2.3% 23.9% 13,892
 肯尼亚 (details) 34,774,000 85.1% 23.4% 61.7% 1,761
  (details) 406,000 1.7%
  (details) 14,601,000[11] 29.2%[11] 10.9% 18.3% 30,722
 科威特 (details) 458,000 15.0% 3.2% 12.8% 49,001
  (details) 610,000[11]-944,000 11.4%[11]-17.0%[64] 2,409
 老挝 (details) 145,000 2.2% 1% 1% 2,926
 拉脫維亞 (details) 1,570,000 70%[27]-80%[65] 24.1%[27]-25.1%[65][66] 46.8%[27]-54.9%[65] 21,005
 黎巴嫩 (details) 1,600,000-1,800,000[67][68] 38.0%-41.0% 26% 15% 16,610
 賴索托 (details) 1,876,000 90.0% 45% 45% 1,963
 利比里亚 (details) 1,391,000 85.5%[69] 85.5% 655
 利比亞 (details) 170,000[11] 2.7%[11] 0.5% 1.5% 17,665
 列支敦斯登 (details) 30,000 84.4%[70] 75.9% 8.5%
 立陶宛 (details) 2,827,000 81.4%[71]-86.0%[27] 77.2%[72]-80.0%[27] 5.6%-6.0%[27] 23,487
 卢森堡 (details) 360,000 72.4%[73] 68.7% 3.7% 88,318
 马达加斯加 (details) 8,260,000 41.0% 978
 马拉维 (details) 12,538,000 79.9% 902
 马来西亚 (details) 2,820,000 9.2%[74] 17,143
 馬爾地夫 (details) 300 0.08% 9,072
  (details) 348,000 2.4% [75] 1,214
 馬爾他 (details) 400,000 91.6%[76] 88.6% 3.0% 29,013
 毛里塔尼亚 (details) 5,000 0.14% 2,603
 模里西斯 (details) 418,000 32.2% 15,649
 墨西哥 (details) 107,780,000 92.4%[77] 82.7% 9.7% 16,676
 密克羅尼西亞聯邦 (details) 106,000 95.4% 3,824
 摩尔多瓦 (details) 3,480,000 95.3%[11] 2.0% 93.3% 3,424
 摩納哥 (details) 30,000 86.0%
 蒙古 (details) 58,000 2.1% 5,462
 蒙特內哥羅 (details) 500,000 78.8%[78] 3.4% 72.4% 14,206
 摩洛哥 (details) 336,000 1% [79] 5,193
 莫桑比克 (details) 13,121,000 56.1% 28.4% 27.7% 1,024
 緬甸 (details) 3,790,000 6.2% 1% 5.2%
 纳米比亚 (details) 1,991,000 90.0% 13.7% 76.3% 7,488
 尼泊爾 (details) 269,000 0.9% 0.1% 0.8% 1,484
 荷蘭 (details) 5,750,000-7,900,000 34%-44%[27] 22.0%[27]-23.3%[80]- 10.2%[81]-22.0%[27] 42,938
 新西蘭 (details) 1,858,977[82] 47.8%[82] 12.6%[82] 35.2%[82] 31,499
 尼加拉瓜 (details) 5,217,000 84.6% 58.8% 25.8% 4,072
 尼日尔 (details) 85,000 0.5% 5% 665
 奈及利亞 (details) 74,400,000-107,000,000 40% [83]- 58%[84] 10-14,5% 30-43,5% 6,204
 北馬其頓 (details) 1,334,000 65%[85] 0.3% 64.7% 11,710
 挪威 (details) 3,844,000[86] 76.7% 2.4%[87] 74.3% 62,767
 阿曼 (details) 180,000[11] 6.5%[11] 27,015
 巴基斯坦 (details) 3,300,000 1.6%[88] 0.8% 0.8% 2,891
 帛琉 (details) 16,000 77.9% 65% 12.9% 19,031
Template:Country data Palestinian Territories (details) 1%-2.5%[11] 14.50
 巴拿马 (details) 3,057,000 92.0% 80% 12% 16,615
 巴布亚新几内亚 (details) 6,800,000 97% 27% 70% 2,898
 巴拉圭 (details) 6,260,000 96%[89] 88% 8% 6,138
 秘魯 (details) 27,635,000 87%[54] 77% 10% 10,940
 菲律賓 (details) 86,500,000 85%[90] 80% 5% 4,413
 皮特凯恩群岛 (details) 50 100.0% 100%
 波蘭 (details) 36,090,000 94.3% 86.3% 8% 21,903
 葡萄牙 (details) 10,110,000[91] 84.3%[92] 81.0% 3.3% 25,305
 波多黎各 (details) 3,878,000 97.0% 50% 47%
  (details) 263,000 13.8% 86,507
 羅馬尼亞 (details) 18,067,000 98.0%[27] 11.0%[27] 87.0%[27] 16,518
 俄羅斯 (details) 66,000,000-99,775,000[93][94] 46.6%[95]-77.0%[96][97] <0.1% 46.6%-77.0% 23,549
 卢旺达 (details) 9,619,000 93.6% 56.9% 26% 1,354
 圣马力诺 (details) 31,000 91.6%[11] 90.5% 1.1%
 沙烏地阿拉伯 (details) 1,500,000 5%[98]
 塞内加尔 (details) 570,000 4.2% [99] 1,944
 塞爾維亞 (details) 7,260,000 91.0%[100] 5.0% 86.0% 11,544
 塞舌尔 (details) 80,000 94.7% 82% 15.2% 27,008
 塞拉利昂 (details) 619,000-1,294,000 10%[101]-20.9%[102] 1,359
 新加坡 (details) 900,000 18.0%[103] 5.7% 12% 61,803
 斯洛伐克 (details) 4,730,000 80.0%[27] 67.0%[27] 13.0%[27] 24,896
 斯洛維尼亞 (details) 1,610,000 68.0%[27] 64.0%[27] 4.0%[27] 26,801
 索馬利亞 (details) 1,000[104] 0.01% 0.0002% 0.01%
 南非 (details) 43,090,000 79.8%[105] 5% 75% 11,440
 南蘇丹 (details) 6,010,000[106] 60.5%[107] 30% 30%
 西班牙 (details) 33,000,000 71% [108]-72%[27] 68%[27][109] 2%[27] 32,129
 斯里蘭卡 (details) 1,531,000 7.5% 6.1% 1.4% 6,247
 苏丹 (details) 525,000 1.5%[110]
 苏里南 (details) 262,000 48.4%[111] 21.6% 26.8% 8,858
 斯威士兰 (details) 994,000 82.7% 25% 57.7% 5,246
 瑞典 (details) 6,292,000 65%[112] 2% 63% 42,217
 瑞士 (details) 5,700,000 69.1%[113]


37.9%[113]-40.0%[27] 31.2%[113]-39.0%[27] 55,246
 叙利亚 (details) 1,800,000[115] 10.0%[11] 2% 8% 5,436
  (details) 110,000[11] 1.4% 0.1% 1.3% 2,247
 坦桑尼亚 (details) 31,342,000 61.4% [116] 1,601
 泰國 (details) 778,000 1.2% 0.6% 0.6% 9,815
 多哥 (details) 1,966,000 29.0% 1,051
  (details) 84,000 81.0% 16% 65% 5,026
 千里達及托巴哥 (details) 774,000 57.6%[117] 21.5% 33.4% 26,647
 突尼西亞 (details) 25,000[118] 0.2% 0.2% 9,795
 土耳其 (details) 120,000[119]-310,000[120] 0.2% 17,651
  (details) 466,000 9.0%[121] 9% 10,583
 乌干达 (details) 29,943,000 88.6% 41.9% 46.7% 1,352
 烏克蘭 (details) 34,830,000[122] 81.9%[122] 7.5% 74.4% 7,418
 阿联酋 (details) 940,000 9.0%[123] 7% 2% 42,384
 英國 (details) 33,200,000 59.3%[124] 8.9% 50% 35,819
 美國 (details) 230,000,000 [125] 71% [125] 20.8% [125] 49.8% [125] 49,965
 乌拉圭 (details) 1,941,000 58.1%[31] 47% 11% 16,037
  (details) 710,000[11] 2.6%[11] 2.6%[11]
 委內瑞拉 (details) 28,340,000 88.0%[126] 71% 17% 13,475
 越南 (details) 7,038,000 8.2%[127] 7% 1% 3,635
 西撒哈拉 (details) 200 0.04% 0.04%
 葉門 (details) 25,000[128]-41,000[129] 0.2% 0.02% 2,489
 尚比亞 (details) 12,939,000 95.5%[130] 20.2% 72.3% 1712
 辛巴威 (details) 12,500,000 87.0%[131] 17% 63% 559
歐洲 565,560,000[132] 76.2%[132] 35.0%[133] 41.2%[132] -
拉丁美洲 531,280,000[132] 90.0%[132] 70%[134] 20%[135] -
非洲 526,016,926 [132] 62.7%[132] 21.0%[133] 41.7%[132] -
亞洲 285,120,000[132]-375,905,000[136] 7.0%[132]-12.0%[136] 3.0%[133]-5.1%[136] 4.0%[132]-6.8%[136] -
北美洲 266,630,000[132] 77.4%[132] 22.0%[133] 55.4% -
大洋洲 25,754,000[137] 73.3%[137] 38.9%[137] 34.4%[137] -
中東-北非 12,000,000–16,000,000[138] 3.8%[132]-5.0%[139] 2.0%[133]-2.6% 1.8%[132]-2.3% -
總計 2,431,209,718[136] 33.4%[136] 16.9%[136] 16.5%[136] -


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