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威廉·海特邁爾(Wilhelm Heitmeyer)與約翰·海根(John Hagan)認為,在歷史上與基督教相連結的暴力行為中,以宗教裁判所,十字軍,法国宗教战争以及反犹太主义等最為著名[6]。
耶稣会会士Ian Guthridge博士援引了旧约中的大量的种族灭绝事例表示[8]:319-320:
Niels Peter Lemche认为欧洲19世纪的殖民主义意识形态是基于旧约中对征服和灭族的叙述[20] Arthur Grenke认为申命记中表述的战争观助长了对美洲土著和欧洲犹太人的灭绝[21]。
历史学家Roland Bainton将成為羅馬帝國國教前的早期基督教教会描述为和平主義者,终止于君士坦丁大帝對於教權的介入。[29]
在基督教最初的几个世纪,很多基督徒拒绝加入军事战斗。三世纪,奥利振寫道「基督徒不能殺死他們的敵人。」 [30]克莱曼特 (亚历山大城)寫道「首先,基督徒不得使用暴力修正別人。」[31]
在二十一世紀, 基督教女權主義者敦促教会关注并反思教会中針對婦女的暴力行为。[34]
- Volf, Miroslav. . Hess, Richard S.; Martens, E.A. (编). . Eisenbrauns. 2008: 1–17 [June 1, 2010]. ISBN 978-1-57506-803-9.
- Avalos, Hector. . Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books. 2005.
- Schwartz, Regina M. . The University of Chicago Press. 1997.
- Avalos, Hector. . Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books. 2005.
- Sam Harris. . Alfred A. Knopf. 2006: 80–81. ISBN 978-0-307-26577-7.
“...信仰至少在兩個方面激勵著暴力。第一,人們经常因為他們認為造物主希望他們這樣做而殺死其他人... 第二,根据宗教成分划分道德区间导致人数庞大的群体陷入与另一群体的冲突之中...”
- . Springer. 2003 [2013-11-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-02).
- 迪克·斯瓦伯. . 台灣: 漫遊者文化. 2012-09-20. 王奕瑤、陳琰璟、包愛民譯。第16章〈大腦與宗教〉:「和每種宗教一樣,基督教也會宣稱自己是具有自由與人道主義的宗教。這是事實。……不過人道主義行為、堅毅及勇氣絕對不只是信教者的專屬特徵,社會主義者、共產主義與與無神論者也具有這些特徵。此外,宗教的良好意圖總是不幸地以與人們期待完全不同的方式表達出來。」「基督教和其他宗教一樣,曾經用非人道的手段剝奪許多人的自由,甚至打著上帝的和平旗號,奪取了許多人的生命。《舊約》中充斥著謀殺,而且有些部份也太過刺激。實驗心理學的研究顯示,誦讀聖經中上帝制裁殺戮的章節,能明顯提升閱讀者的攻擊性,而且這些作用只會發生在教徒身上。新約裏也有類似的表現。」「此外,還有歧視女性、同性戀、變性者以及禁止避孕的措施,後者導致南美成千上萬的人口生活貧困,以及非洲成千上萬的人口感染愛滋病毒。……這些譴責並不只是針對某個宗教。幾乎每種宗教在教義上都有過時的觀點,並且想辦法將這些觀點強加在他人身上。」
- Ian Guthridge. . Medici School Publications,Australia. 1999. ISBN 0-9588645-4-3.
- Ruttenberg, Danya, Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: War and National Security Danya Ruttenberg (Ed.) page 54 (citing Reuven Kimelman, "The Ethics of National Power: Government and War from the Sources of Judaism", in Perspectives, Feb 1987, pp 10-11)
- Grenke, Arthur, God, greed, and genocide: the Holocaust through the centuries, pp 17-30
- Philip Jenkins - quoted in NPR article "Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?" by Barbara Hagerty. Online at 页面存档备份,存于.
- Kravitz, Leonard, "What is Crime?", in Crime and punishment in Jewish law: essays and responsa, EditorsWalter Jacob, Moshe Zemer, Berghahn Books, 1999, p 31.
- Magid, Shaul, "Subversion as Return: Scripture, Dissent, and Renewal in Contemporary Judaism, in Subverting Scriptures: Critical Reflections on the Use of the Bible Beth Hawkins Benedix (Ed), pp 217-236, p 234.
- Cohn, Robert L, "Before Israel: The Canaanites as Other in Biblical Tradition", in The Other in Jewish thought and history: constructions of Jewish culture and identity, Laurence Jay Silberstein, (Ed.), NYU Press, 1994, pp 76-77
- Boustan, Ra'anan S., Violence, Scripture, and Textual Practice in Early Judaism and Christianity, BRILL, 2010, pp 3-5
- Firestone, Reuven, "Judaism on Violence and Reconciliation: An Examination of Key Sources", in Beyond violence: religious sources of social transformation in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, James Heft (Ed.), Fordham Univ Press, 2004, p 75
- Ehrlich, Carl S., "Joshua, Judaism, and Genocide" in Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century,BRILL, 1999, pp 121-122
- Garber, Zev, "Deconstructing Theodicy and Amalekut", in Post-Shoah dialogues: re-thinking our texts together, James F. Moore (Ed.), University Press of America, 2004, pp 241-243.
- Van Wees, Hans, "Genocide in the Ancient World", in The Oxford Handbook of Genocide Studies, Donald Bloxham, A. Dirk Moses (Eds), p 242.
- Lemche, Niels Peter, The Old Testament between theology and history: a critical survey, Westminster John Knox Press, 2008,
pp 315–316:
- "The [Biblical] story of the 'morally supreme people' that defeats and exterminates another, inferior, nation was part of the ideological baggage of European imperialists and colonizers throughout the nineteenth century. It was also carried by European Jews who,.. migrated to Palestine to inherit their ancestral country … In this modern version of the biblical narrative, the Palestinian population turned into 'Canaanites', supposed to be morally inferior to the Jews, and of course the Arabs were never considered their equals … The Bible was the instrument used to suppress the enemy".
- Grenke, Arthur, God, greed, and genocide: the Holocaust through the centuries, New Academia Publishing, LLC, 2005, pp 17-18:
- "Discussing the influence of Christian beliefs on the destruction of the Native peoples in the Americas, Stannard argues that while the New Testament view of war is ambiguous, there is little such ambiguity in the Old Testament. He points to sections in Deuteronomy in which the Israelite God, Yahweh, commanded that the Israelites utterly destroy idolaters whose land they sought to reserve for the worship of their deity (Deut 7:2, 16, and 20:16-17). … According to Stannard, this view of war contributed to the .. destruction of the Native peoples in the Americas. It was this view that also led to the destruction of European Jewry. Accordingly, it is important to look at this particular segment of the Old Testament: it not only describes a situation where a group undertakes to totally destroy other groups, but it also had a major influence on shaping thought and belief systems that permitted, and even inspired, genocide."
- Contra Faustum WebCite的存檔,存档日期2007-07-30, Augustine of Hippo, NewAdvent.
- http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/war/ 页面存档备份,存于 The first philosophers of just war were Aristotle and Cicero, and the first theologians St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas
- . Iep.utm.edu. 2009-02-10 [2010-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-16).
- . JustWarTheory.com. [2010-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-06).
- . BBC. [2010-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-06).
- Christians and War: Thomas Aquinas refines the "Just War" Theory 的存檔,存档日期2008-02-25.
- Diamond, Jared. . National Geographic Society. 2008: 74. ISBN 1-4262-0314-4.
- Roland Bainton, quoted in Robin Gill, A Textbook of Christian Ethics 页面存档备份,存于, 3rd ed, Continuum, 2006, ISBN 0-567-03112-8, p. 194.
- Against Celsus 页面存档备份,存于 Against Celsus (Greek: Κατὰ Κέλσου; Latin: Contra Celsum), Book 7 (Roberts-Donaldson)]
- Clement of Alexandria: Fragments
- Speicher, Sara and Durnbaugh, Donald F. (2003), Ecumenical Dictionary: Historic Peace Churches 页面存档备份,存于
- King, Jr., Martin Luther; Clayborne Carson; Peter Holloran; Ralph Luker; Penny A. Russell. . University of California Press. 1992. ISBN 0520079507.
- Hood, Helen. (PDF). EBSCO Publishing: 216–225. 2003 [May 19, 2010]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于July 10, 2011).
- J. Denny Weaver. . Cross Currents. 2001 [2010-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-24).
- 大衛·本特利·哈特. . Yale University Press. 2009: 12–13.
- Hedges, Chris. 2007. American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America. Free Press.
- Lea, Henry Charles. 1961. The Inquisition of the Middle Ages. Abridged. New York: Macmillan.
- Mason, Carol. 2002. Killing for Life: The Apocalyptic Narrative of Pro-Life Politics. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Tyerman, Christopher. 2006. God's War: A New History of the Crusades. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, Belknap.
- Zeskind, Leonard. 1987. The ‘Christian Identity’ Movement, [booklet]. Atlanta, Georgia: Center for Democratic Renewal/Division of Church and Society, National Council of Churches.