各国国内生产总值列表 (购买力平价)



當比較評估一個國家的國內市場時,一般認為使用購買力平價比國際匯率更有效,這是因為購買力平價會考量區域商品、服務的相對價格,還有該國的通貨膨脹率,而國際匯率可能會扭曲人均收入的真實差異。[2] 不過,在評估各國間金融流動時就有較多限制。[3] 購買力平價常常用來作為評估貧窮門檻之標準,而這更是聯合國在建構人類發展指數的依據。[2] 以下國際比較計畫的表單包含可交易、不可交易的商品,藉以作為估算所有商品的代表。[2]


2020年各国GDP(PPP)。[n 1]


数据来自国际货币基金组织(2020年预估)[4] 数据来自世界银行(2017)[5][6][7] 数据来自CIA世界概況(1993–2017)[8]
1 中國[n 2]27,804,953
2 美國20,289,987
 歐盟[n 3]18,377,114[11]
3 印度11,321,280
 東盟[n 4]9,326,707[13]
4 日本5,451,452
5 俄羅斯4,176,350
6 德國4,160,925
7 印尼3,778,134
8 巴西3,316,920
9 英國2,975,557
10 法國2,860,018
11 墨西哥2,458,339
12 2,307,718
13 土耳其2,257,987
14 義大利2,244,767
15 沙烏地阿拉伯1,869,288
16 加拿大1,797,170
17 西班牙1,780,996
18 埃及1,427,432
19 伊朗1,411,093
20 泰國1,293,924
21 澳大利亚1,279,361
22 波蘭1,236,132
23 巴基斯坦1,190,555
24 奈及利亞1,181,399
25 马来西亚1,064,795
26 菲律賓1,040,413
27 越南1,035,051
28 荷蘭935,911
29 阿根廷864,887
30 860,916
31 哥伦比亚771,957
32 南非762,826
33 阿联酋722,670
34 伊拉克679,098
35 阿尔及利亚638,363
36 新加坡576,839
37 比利時536,621
38 瑞士535,832
39 530,646
40 瑞典529,778
41 羅馬尼亞525,051
42 智利475,964
43 秘魯457,320
44 奥地利446,265
45 愛爾蘭392,014
46 捷克388,587
47 挪威384,298
48 烏克蘭380,545
49 緬甸366,079
50 345,455
51 以色列334,675
52 匈牙利327,410
53 葡萄牙321,199
54 摩洛哥317,001
55 310,738
56 科威特307,193
57 斯里蘭卡304,458
58 丹麥300,621
59 希臘293,009
60 衣索比亞253,102
61 芬兰251,431
62 加纳209,179
63 阿曼200,203
64 安哥拉199,329
65 198,725
66 坦桑尼亚198,652
67 新西蘭194,919
68 肯尼亚194,401
69 厄瓜多尔192,056
70 斯洛伐克187,264
71 白俄羅斯184,593
72 阿塞拜疆184,418
73 保加利亚165,130
74 苏丹163,606
75 163,594
76 危地马拉150,731
77 突尼西亞143,234
78 塞爾維亞127,096
79 124,884
80 乌干达123,653
81 巴拿马110,399
82 103,111
83 喀麦隆100,013
84 尼泊爾97,365
85 巴拉圭95,949
86 立陶宛95,286
87 约旦93,256
88 玻利维亚91,225
89 哥斯达黎加89,597
90 刚果民主共和国81,806
91 乌拉圭80,817
92 柬埔寨76,218
93 阿富汗74,792
94 巴林74,649
95 黎巴嫩74,628
96 尚比亞73,662
97 斯洛維尼亞73,276
98 葉門70,414
99 塞内加尔66,438
100 卢森堡65,868
101 老挝57,912
102 拉脫維亞54,700
103 马达加斯加53,409
104 薩爾瓦多52,888
105 洪都拉斯50,496
106 布吉納法索48,553
107 48,443
108 47,540
109 蒙古46,550
110 46,286
111 莫桑比克45,990
112 爱沙尼亚44,503
113 千里達及托巴哥43,178
114 42,749
115 博茨瓦纳41,809
116 加彭39,584
117 阿尔巴尼亚38,078
118 文莱37,342
119 辛巴威37,039
120 尼日尔35,211
121 利比亞34,753
122 賽普勒斯34,745
123 34,692
124 几内亚34,585
125 巴布亚新几内亚34,502
126 北馬其頓33,517
127 亞美尼亞33,141
128 尼加拉瓜32,991
129 卢旺达32,258
130 乍得32,065
131 刚果共和国30,702
132 模里西斯29,631
133 赤道几内亚26,828
134 摩尔多瓦26,642
135 牙买加26,516
136 纳米比亚26,261
137 马拉维25,570
138 25,187
139 毛里塔尼亚25,109
140 南蘇丹23,320
141 馬爾他22,496
142 海地20,135
143 冰島18,720
144 多哥15,217
145 塞拉利昂12,868
146 索馬利亞12,417
147 斯威士兰12,368
148 巴哈马11,807
149 蒙特內哥羅11,549
150 圭亚那10,989
151 斐济10,078
152 苏里南8,956
153 8,281
154 不丹8,200
155 馬爾地夫7,839
156 厄立特里亚6,640
157 冈比亚6,614
158 賴索托6,593
159 吉布提6,362
160 利比里亚6,160
161 巴巴多斯5,051
162 中非4,270
163 佛得角4,194
164 阿鲁巴3,883
165 几内亚比绍3,664
166 伯利兹2,974
167 塞舌尔2,746
168 圣卢西亚2,702
169 东帝汶2,613
170 科摩罗2,516
171 安地卡及巴布達2,506
172 圣马力诺1,842
173 格瑞那達1,681
174 圣基茨和尼维斯1,532
175 所罗门群岛1,433
176 1,327
177 萨摩亚1,132
178 瓦努阿圖829
179 多米尼克813
180 聖多美和普林西比705
181 620
182 密克羅尼西亞聯邦363
183 帛琉256
184 基里巴斯253
185 马绍尔群岛211
186 瑙鲁124
187 图瓦卢49
1 中國23,300,782
2 美國19,390,604
3 印度9,448,659
4 日本5,562,822
5 德國4,193,922
6 俄羅斯3,749,283
7 印尼3,242,768
8 巴西3,240,524
9 英國2,896,833
10 法國2,871,264
11 義大利2,410,985
12 墨西哥2,344,197
13 土耳其2,254,114
14 1,969,106
15 西班牙1,773,972
16 沙烏地阿拉伯1,773,549
17 加拿大1,702,435
18 伊朗1,700,356
19 泰國1,233,736
20 澳大利亚1,157,298
21 埃及1,129,919
22 奈及利亞1,118,755
23 波蘭1,112,364
24 巴基斯坦1,088,982
25 马来西亚930,749
26 阿根廷920,248
27 荷蘭907,032
28 菲律賓875,311
29 南非765,567
30 哥伦比亚714,003
31 阿联酋694,468
32 伊拉克658,200
33 越南647,368
34 637,078
35 阿尔及利亚631,150
36 瑞士550,346
37 比利時540,867
38 新加坡527,021
39 羅馬尼亞506,132
40 瑞典504,088
41 476,366
42 奥地利462,990
43 智利434,848
44 秘魯432,115
45 委內瑞拉409,389
46 捷克390,989
47 烏克蘭368,217
48 愛爾蘭367,301
49 338,817
50 以色列334,667
51 葡萄牙331,445
52 緬甸327,629
53 挪威322,101
54 希臘299,241
55 摩洛哥298,230
56 科威特297,594
57 丹麥291,600
58 匈牙利277,543
59 斯里蘭卡274,718
60 芬兰249,065
61 222,338
62 衣索比亞199,336
63 苏丹198,758
64 新西蘭196,152
65 阿曼193,218
66 厄瓜多尔193,138
67 安哥拉190,290
68 白俄羅斯179,203
69 斯洛伐克174,678
70 172,591
71 阿塞拜疆171,588
72 坦桑尼亚163,886
73 肯尼亚163,309
74 保加利亚143,850
75 危地马拉137,849
76 突尼西亞137,358
77 加纳133,826
78 利比亞125,142
79 塞爾維亞105,966
80 104,233
81 103,604
82 巴拿马100,194
83 96,046
84 立陶宛90,749
85 黎巴嫩89,263
86 喀麦隆88,859
87 约旦88,809
88 哥斯达黎加83,615
89 玻利维亚83,546
90 乌干达79,889
91 尼泊爾78,591
92 乌拉圭77,992
93 葉門75,346
94 刚果民主共和国72,165
95 斯洛維尼亞71,926
96 巴林70,937
97 阿富汗70,368
98 尚比亞69,235
99 巴拉圭66,007
100 柬埔寨64,050
101 卢森堡62,139
102 拉脫維亞53,561
103 薩爾瓦多51,061
104 老挝48,167
105 洪都拉斯46,198
106 45,156
107 千里達及托巴哥43,234
108 塞内加尔42,992
109 爱沙尼亚41,619
110 41,004
111 蒙古39,982
112 博茨瓦纳39,770
113 39,768
114 马达加斯加39,764
115 莫桑比克37,005
116 加彭36,823
117 尼加拉瓜36,324
118 布吉納法索35,887
119 巴布亚新几内亚34,633
120 阿尔巴尼亚34,541
121 辛巴威34,476
122 文莱33,797
123 馬其頓31,729
124 赤道几内亚31,460
125 賽普勒斯29,606
126 几内亚29,056
127 乍得28,924
128 28,373
129 亞美尼亞28,271
130 刚果共和国28,193
131 模里西斯28,174
132 纳米比亚26,542
133 牙买加25,999
134 25,327
135 卢旺达24,852
136 23,104
137 巴勒斯坦22,886
138 马拉维22,387
139 尼日尔21,834
140 摩尔多瓦20,226
141 海地19,930
142 科索沃19,688
143 馬爾他18,395
144 冰島18,265
145 毛里塔尼亚17,458
146 多哥12,240
147 巴哈马12,031
148 蒙特內哥羅11,681
149 斯威士兰11,617
150 塞拉利昂10,264
151 东帝汶9,350
152 斐济8,652
153 苏里南8,515
154 8,376
155 不丹7,721
156 馬爾地夫7,273
157 賴索托6,991
158 圭亚那6,349
159 巴巴多斯5,326
160 利比里亚3,911
161 佛得角3,733
162 吉布提3,716
163 冈比亚3,602
164 中非3,382
165 伯利兹3,219
166 几内亚比绍3,165
167 塞舌尔2,776
168 圣卢西亚2,543
169 安地卡及巴布達2,407
170 圣马力诺2,085
171 格瑞那達1,609
172 圣基茨和尼维斯1,498
173 所罗门群岛1,480
174 萨摩亚1,299
175 1,296
176 科摩罗1,263
177 瓦努阿圖886
178 多米尼克785
179 聖多美和普林西比685
180 643
181 密克羅尼西亞聯邦382
182 帛琉316
183 基里巴斯253
184 马绍尔群岛223
185  瑙鲁 193
186 图瓦卢44
 世界生产总值119,4002017 est.
1 中國23,1202017 est.
 歐盟[n 3]19,9702016 est.
2 美國19,3602017 est.
3 印度9,4472017 est.
4 日本5,4052017 est.
 欧亚经济联盟[n 5] 4,7002017 est.
 南方共同市场[n 6]4,2772017 est.
5 德國4,1502017 est.
6 俄羅斯4,0002017 est.
7 印尼3,2432017 est.
8 巴西3,2192017 est.
 海湾合作委员会[n 7]3,0802017 est.
9 英國2,8802017 est.
10 法國2,8262017 est.
11 墨西哥2,4062017 est.
12 義大利2,3072017 est.
13 土耳其2,1332017 est.
14 2,0272017 est.
15 沙烏地阿拉伯1,7892017 est.
16 西班牙1,7692017 est.
17 加拿大1,7642017 est.
18 伊朗1,6312017 est.
 西非国家经济共同体[n 8]1,5762017 est.
19 澳大利亚1,2352017 est.
20 泰國1,2292017 est.
21 埃及1,1992017 est.
22 中華民國1,1752017 est.
23 奈及利亞1,1182017 est.
24 波蘭1,1112017 est.
25 巴基斯坦1,0562017 est.
26 马来西亚926.12017 est.
27 荷蘭915.22017 est.
28 阿根廷911.52017 est.
29 菲律賓874.52017 est.
30 南非757.32017 est.
31 哥伦比亚712.52017 est.
32 阿联酋691.92017 est.
33 686.52017 est.
34 伊拉克660.72017 est.
35 越南643.92017 est.
36 阿尔及利亚629.32017 est.
SICA - 中美洲货币理事会[n 9]534.92017 est.
37 比利時526.42017 est.
38 瑞典521.72017 est.
39 瑞士516.72017 est.
40 新加坡513.72017 est.
41 474.32017 est.
42 羅馬尼亞474.02017 est.
 香港453.02017 est.
43 智利452.12017 est.
44 奥地利434.12017 est.
45 秘魯424.62017 est.
46 委內瑞拉389.42017 est.
47 挪威375.92017 est.
48 捷克372.62017 est.
49 烏克蘭366.42017 est.
50 愛爾蘭344.82017 est.
51 341.72017 est.
52 緬甸330.92017 est.
53 以色列315.62017 est.
54 葡萄牙311.32017 est.
55 科威特302.52017 est.
56 摩洛哥300.12017 est.
57 希臘299.52017 est.
58 丹麥285.52017 est.
59 匈牙利283.62017 est.
60 斯里蘭卡278.22017 est.
61 芬兰242.42017 est.
62 221.72017 est.
63 衣索比亞195.82017 est.
64 安哥拉192.02017 est.
65 厄瓜多尔188.52017 est.
67 阿曼187.92017 est.
67 苏丹186.82017 est.
68 新西蘭185.72017 est.
69 斯洛伐克178.72017 est.
70 白俄羅斯175.92017 est.
71 172.62017 est.
72 阿塞拜疆166.82017 est.
73 肯尼亚163.42017 est.
74 坦桑尼亚162.82017 est.
75 保加利亚152.42017 est.
76 危地马拉138.32017 est.
77 突尼西亞135.92017 est.
78 古巴132.92016 est.
79 加纳130.22017 est.
 波多黎各127.32017 est.
80 塞爾維亞106.62017 est.
81 103.52017 est.
 加勒比共同体[n 10]101.42017 est.
82 100.22017 est.
83 巴拿马99.432017 est.
84 96.272017 est.
85 立陶宛90.632017 est.
86 约旦89.052017 est.
87 乌干达88.612017 est.
88 黎巴嫩87.892017 est.
89 哥斯达黎加85.202017 est.
90 玻利维亚83.502017 est.
91 喀麦隆81.552017 est.
92 尼泊爾78.552017 est.
93 乌拉圭78.412017 est.
 澳門73.582017 est.
94 斯洛維尼亞70.362017 est.
95 巴林69.772017 est.
96 阿富汗69.512017 est.
97 葉門68.952017 est.
98 尚比亞68.902017 est.
99 巴拉圭68.052017 est.
100 刚果民主共和国67.992017 est.
101 卢森堡64.392017 est.
102 柬埔寨64.212017 est.
103 利比亞63.142017 est.
104 薩爾瓦多56.902017 est.
105 拉脫維亞53.472017 est.
106 叙利亚50.282015 est.
107 老挝49.212017 est.
108 洪都拉斯45.682017 est.
109 43.852017 est.
110 塞内加尔43.072017 est.
111 千里達及托巴哥42.782017 est.
112 爱沙尼亚41.202017 est.
113 40.982017 est.
114 40.002015 est.
115 马达加斯加39.812017 est.
116 博茨瓦纳39.552017 est.
117 39.322017 est.
118 蒙古38.402017 est.
119 莫桑比克37.392017 est.
120 加彭36.752017 est.
121 尼加拉瓜36.222017 est.
122 阿尔巴尼亚35.872017 est.
123 布吉納法索35.682017 est.
124 辛巴威33.872017 est.
125 文莱32.912017 est.
126 馬其頓31.552017 est.
127 賽普勒斯31.192017 est.
128 巴布亚新几内亚30.842017 est.
129 乍得29.642017 est.
130 赤道几内亚29.382017 est.
131 刚果共和国29.162017 est.
132 27.672017 est.
133 模里西斯27.442017 est.
134 亞美尼亞27.212017 est.
135 纳米比亚27.022017 est.
136 几内亚26.452017 est.
137 牙买加26.202017 est.
138 25.292017 est.
139 卢旺达24.612017 est.
140 22.642017 est.
141 马拉维22.472017 est.
142 尼日尔21.622017 est.
 约旦河西岸21.222014 est.
143 摩尔多瓦20.072017 est.
144 海地19.882017 est.
145 南蘇丹19.752017 est.
 科索沃19.382017 est.
146 馬爾他18.532017 est.
147 冰島17.732017 est.
148 索馬利亞17.472017 est.
149 毛里塔尼亚17.372017 est.
150 多哥12.432017 est.
151 塞拉利昂11.752017 est.
152 斯威士兰11.342017 est.
153 蒙特內哥羅10.862017 est.
 新喀里多尼亞10.772015 est.
154 厄立特里亚9.6312017 est.
155 巴哈马9.3392017 est.
156 斐济8.6472017 est.
157 7.9852017 est.
158 苏里南7.9282017 est.
159 摩納哥7.6722015 est.
160 賴索托7.4482017 est.
 马恩岛7.4282014 est.
161 不丹7.0112017 est.
162 馬爾地夫6.8962017 est.
163 圭亚那6.3672017 est.
164 东帝汶6.2112017 est.
 法屬玻里尼西亞5.4902015 est.
 百慕大5.1982013 est.
 澤西5.0802015 est.
165 列支敦斯登4.9782014 est.
166 巴巴多斯4.9192017 est.
 關島4.8822013 est.
167 利比里亚3.9062017 est.
 美屬維爾京群島3.7922013 est.
168 佛得角3.7342017 est.
169 吉布提3.6402017 est.
170 冈比亚3.5822017 est.
 根西3.4652015 est.
171 中非3.3952017 est.
172 安道尔3.3272015 est.
173 伯利兹3.2302017 est.
 3.1282012 est.
174 几内亚比绍3.0712017 est.
175 塞舌尔2.7122017 est.
 阿鲁巴2.5162009 est.
 开曼群岛2.5072014 est.
176 安地卡及巴布達2.3902017 est.
177 圣卢西亚2.3842017 est.
 格陵兰2.1732015 est.
178 圣马力诺2.0832017 est.
 直布罗陀2.0442014 est.
 法罗群岛2.0012014 est.
179 格瑞那達1.5902017 est.
180 圣基茨和尼维斯1.5282017 est.
181 科摩罗1.3232017 est.
182 所罗门群岛1.3172017 est.
183 1.2812017 est.
184 萨摩亚1.1302017 est.
 西撒哈拉0.90652007 est.
185 多米尼克0.85102017 est.
186 瓦努阿圖0.78702017 est.
 美属萨摩亚0.71102013 est.
 0.68202013 est.
187 聖多美和普林西比0.68202017 est.
 0.63202007 est.
188 0.58702017 est.
聖馬丁0.56152005 est.
 英屬維爾京群島0.50002010 est.
 荷屬聖馬丁0.36582014 est.
189 密克羅尼西亞聯邦0.34702017 est.
190 帛琉0.30102017 est.
 福克蘭群島0.28182012 est.
 庫克群島0.24412010 est.
191 基里巴斯0.22402017 est.
圣皮埃尔和密克隆0.21532006 est.
192 马绍尔群岛0.18902017 est.
 安圭拉0.17542009 est.
193 瑙鲁0.15902017 est.
 0.06002004 est.
 蒙特塞拉特0.04382006 est.
194 图瓦卢0.04202017 est.
圣赫勒拿0.03112009 est.
 纽埃0.01012003 est.
 托克勞0.00151993 est.


  1. 基于国际货币基金组织数据。如果IMF缺少对应数据,则取自CIA世界概況
  2. The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of Template:EUnum member states that are located primarily in Europe. The EU is included as a separate entity in The World Factbook of CIA because it has many attributes of independent nations, being much more than a free-trade association such as ASEAN, NAFTA, or Mercosur.[10] As the EU is not a country, India is the third ranked country on these lists.
  3. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an regional intergovernmental organization comprising ten countries in Southeast Asia, which promotes intergovernmental cooperation and facilitates economic, political, security, military, educational, and sociocultural integration among its members and other countries in Asia. ASEAN maintains a global network of alliances and dialogue partners and is considered by many as a global powerhouse, the central union for cooperation in Asia-Pacific, and a prominent and influential organization. It is involved in numerous international affairs, and hosts diplomatic missions throughout the world.[12] As the ASEAN is not a country, Japan is the fourth ranked country on these lists.
  4. The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is an economic union (like the EU, Mercosur, GCC, ECOWAS, SICA and CSME) of member states that are located in the former Soviet Union, namely Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.
  5. Mercosur is an economic union (like the EU, EAEU, Mercosur, GCC, ECOWAS, SICA and CSME) of member states that are located in South America, namely Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.
  6. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is an economic union (like the EU, EAEU, Mercosur, ECOWAS, SICA and CSME) of member states that are located in the Arabian peninsula, namely Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrein.
  7. The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is an economic union (like the EU, EAEU, Mercosur, GCC, SICA and CSME) of member states that are located in West Africa, namely Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Guinea, Togo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cape Verde, Gambia and Guinea Bissau.
  8. The Central American Monetary Council is an organ of the Central American Integration System (SICA), governing an economic union (like the EU, EAEU, Mercosur, GCC, ECOWAS and CSME) of states that are primarily located in Central America, namely Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua.
  9. The CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) is an economic union (like the EU, EAEU, Mercosur, GCC, ECOWAS and SICA) of member states that are located in the Caribbean Community, namely Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Surinam, Guyana, Barbados, Belize, Antigua and Barbuda, St. Lucia, Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Dominica.


  1. . IMF. [22 April 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-23).
  2. (PDF). [20 May 2014]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2017-09-28).
  3. PPP Versus the Market: Which Weight Matters? 页面存档备份,存于, imf.org, March 2007, Volume 44, Number 1
  4. . IMF.org. International Monetary Fund. [22 April 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-14).
  5. Data. (PDF). Data.worldbank.org. 1 July 2017 [18 July 2017]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-03-07).; European Union calculated by sum of individual countries.
  6. (PDF). [18 July 2017]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-03-07).
  7. . [10 April 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-09-03).
  8. Field listing - GDP (PPP exchange rate) 页面存档备份,存于, CIA World Factbook
  9. . IMF.org. International Monetary Fund. [22 April 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-23).
  10. CIA. . 2014 [15 March 2015]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-08). Although the EU is not a federation in the strict sense, it is far more than a free-trade association such as ASEAN, NAFTA, or Mercosur, and it has certain attributes associated with independent nations: its own flag, currency (for some members), and law-making abilities, as well as diplomatic representation and a common foreign and security policy in its dealings with external partners. Thus, inclusion of basic intelligence on the EU has been deemed appropriate as a new, separate entity in The World Factbook.
  11. . IMF.org. International Monetary Fund. [22 April 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-31).
  12. . [2020-05-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-30).
  13. . IMF.org. International Monetary Fund. [5 May 2020]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-23).
  14. CIA. . 2014 [15 March 2015]. (原始内容存档于2020-05-08). Although the EU is not a federation in the strict sense, it is far more than a free-trade association such as ASEAN, NAFTA, or Mercosur, and it has certain attributes associated with independent nations: its own flag, currency (for some members), and law-making abilities, as well as diplomatic representation and a common foreign and security policy in its dealings with external partners. Thus, inclusion of basic intelligence on the EU has been deemed appropriate as a new, separate entity in The World Factbook.


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